
quinta-feira, setembro 25, 2008

Crise Global 25

O colapso da América VI
George W. Bush: «Toda a nossa economia está em risco» (25 de Setembro de 2008, 02:42)

Elaine Meinel Supkis: Everyone can have lots of fun! This is because there is no such thing as ‘allies’ in the world of business. There are sharks and there is fish bait. Any shark that ends up bleeding in the water is attacked by the others.

To dominate Europe, all Russia has to do is get China’s cooperation in denying international lending to the US government. Let the Arabs and Europeans and Japanese pay for everything themselves!

Unlike many third world nations, the US public is very heavily armed.

Um novo "Pearl Harbor"?

O ultimato dirigido aos americanos por George W. Bush (1) em nome dos ladrões de Wall Street e do cartel bancário que dá pelo nome de FED (Reserva Federal), resume-se ao seguinte: ou vocês (mensagem de Bush ao povo americano) pagam o buraco negro do Subprime, dos CDS (Credit Default Swaps) e dos demais produtos tóxicos do mercado de Derivados, com execuções hipotecárias, subidas consecutivas nas prestações das vossas casas hipotecadas, destruição em larga escala do trabalho existente, estagnação do emprego, centenas de milhar de empresas falidas, e muito menos Estado no ensino, na segurança social e na assistência médica, ou, se o Congresso rejeitar este pacote de emergência, destinado a passar um cheque em branco aos piratas-mor Paulson e Bernanke, para que de alguma forma mitiguem os sérios problemas da América, haverá uma implosão de todo o sistema financeiro do país, cujo efeito será multiplicar por um factor indeterminado o drama acima descrito, com implicações internacionais, de ordem económica, financeira, política e militar imprevisíveis! É sobre este dilema que G.W. Bush espera uma resposta favorável ao golpe de Estado financeiro em curso.

Warren Buffett lançou um aviso encriptado sobre a actual precipitação do colapso económico-financeiro da América: estamos na presença de um "Pearl Harbor Económico" (2).

Toda a gente hoje sabe que a destruição da esquadra americana -- fundeada no Havai -- pela aviação japonesa foi uma armadilha montada pelos americanos, com conhecimento do presidente Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), para justificar a entrada em força da América na II Guerra Mundial. Sobram razões para pensar que o 11 de Setembro tenha sido algo parecido. A pergunta que agora se põe, depois das derrotas militares em curso nas aventuras criminosas desencadeadas contra o Iraque, o Afeganistão e as regiões autónomas (hoje independentes) da Geórgia, e do incremento exponencial das dívidas externa, pública e orçamental dos Estados Unidos, é esta: como ocultar a teia de corrupção e mentira (3) que engendrou tudo isto? Como escondê-la, em particular se os actores deste filme da verdadeira Máfia americana pertencerem à elite WASP e financeira (JP Morgan, Chase, etc.) que gere o complexo industrial-militar da América, e o enredo estiver ancorado numa rede de cumplicidades profundamente infiltrada no aparelho de Estado americano?

O problema é, além do mais, extraordinariamente grave se ponderarmos o facto de boa parte dos activos acumulados pelos gigantes agora falidos pertencerem à China, à Rússia, aos árabes do petróleo e ainda a algumas grandes instituições e fundos de investimento (fundos de pensões, etc.) europeus (4). A não aprovação do pacote armadilha de Bush, Paulson e Bernanke, até ao dia de amanhã (26 de Setembro de 2008), poderá fazer cair o sistema financeiro americano, tornando virtualmente irrecuperáveis as dívidas acumuladas pela América, reduzindo ainda a zeros os biliões de dólares de activos adquiridos por Estados riquíssimos e detentores, quase todos eles, de sofisticado armamento nuclear, com factores demográficos muito favoráveis em hipótese de guerra, e uma altíssima moral anti-americana. Por outro lado, a aprovação, ainda que mitigada, de um cheque em branco aos gatunos de Wall Street, poderá apenas prolongar por mais algum tempo a agonia do império americano. Em ambos os casos, o perigo de uma nova guerra civil na federação de 50 estados que formam a União é real. Não existe nenhum país no mundo com uma população civil tão bem armada como a dos Estados Unidos. Haverá, depois de amanhã, uma ordem de recolha do armamento em posse dos cidadãos americanos? Haverá, por outro lado, uma nova proibição de compra e detenção privada de ouro fino?

Os dias de hoje e de amanhã poderão transformar-se no terceiro e último capítulo de uma reedição fatídica da provocação de Pearl Harbor, colocando o planeta à beira duma III Guerra Mundial. Primeiro, foi o 11 de Setembro; depois, a Guerra ao Terrorismo e o Patriotic Act (ambos conducentes à transformação dos Estados Unidos numa ditadura imperial sob estado permanente de excepção); e finalmente, a votação no Congresso, amanhã, do pacote legislativo que autoriza a maior expropriação de riqueza americana individualmente acumulada por parte dos donos daquela que foi outrora a maior e mais inspiradora democracia do mundo. Repare-se que este roubo será executado por uma horda de ladrões e assassinos com total carta branca. Vão ser horas de brasa até ao fim do dia de amanhã. O mundo está suspenso do desenrolar destes acontecimentos. Pela nossa parte, iremos acompanhar o filme hora a hora.

  1. Crise financeira: «Toda a nossa economia está em risco» - George W. Bush
    25 de Setembro de 2008, 02:42
    Washington, 25 Set (Lusa) - George W. Bush fez na quarta-feira uma dramática comunicação televisiva sobre a actual crise financeira, afirmando que toda a economia norte-americana "está em risco" e apelou a um consenso bipartidário para a solução. (SAPO/ Lusa).

  2. Did Buffett Just Give Us A Coded Warning?
    Wednesday, 24 September 2008
    Warren Buffett, new stakeholder in the megalithic survivor-biased Goldman Sachs, has referred to recent upheavals in the financial markets as "an economic Pearl Harbour". He is a very smart man who knows his history, having lived it and seen it up close. He will know better than most that Pearl Harbour is now understood in well informed circles to not only have been foreseen by FDR, but provoked by FDR in an orchestrated campaign to engineer a war with Japan dating from a plan adopted in 1940. -- London Banker.

    acrumb (comentário):

    ...financial markets are in much worse shape than reported. The Fed is not just printing oodles of dollars, but 'printing gold' by selling 'gold certificates' not backed by any gold. And the GNMA mortgage bonds are fraudulently using the same mortgage 10 times to back 10 different bonds. What has been reported is the tip of the iceberg. Value of the dollar must collapse.

    Buffett Buys Goldman Stake in 'Economic Pearl Harbor'

  3. The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008: An Analysis by Catherine Austin Fitts
    Solari Real Channel, August 11, 2008

    "I would never come to your house. Your house is bigger than my house. I would find it castrating." -- Jack Kemp to Catherine Austin Fitts.

    You can attack and take over a country. Or you can simply let it borrow itself to death in a financial coup d'etat. Recent history suggests that the second is infinitely more profitable for the victor.

    "In 1994, after the first Federal Housing Administration (FHA)/Housing and Urban Development (HUD) financial audit was published, a mortgage banker came to see me. He was a serious engineering type who clearly worked hard and had mastered the details of his business. He was distressed, he said. For decades he had been keeping a tally of total outstanding FHA/HUD mortgage insurance credit. He had brought printouts of his database for me. It turned out that the government’s published financial statements showed the amount outstanding was substantially less than the actual amount outstanding. He was sure. I assumed that the guy was crazy. If what he said were true, then the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve would have to be complicit in significant fraud, including securities fraud."


    The average person could not believe that the largest, most prestigious Wall Street banks and investment houses were engaged with Washington in managing the largest capital market in the world—the U.S. mortgage markets—on a criminal basis.

    That was too much to swallow.

    Until now.

    The real model has come out of the closet. Whereas the last year of Wall Street bailouts were making things clearer, the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 now leaves no room for doubt. The Act could not be more blunt about infinite government subsidy funded with infinite debt benefiting the private few. The Tapeworm corporation is fully engorged.

    The American taxpayers are, in essence, guaranteeing $5 trillion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debt. The Federal Reserve stands by to subsidize Fannie's and Freddie's stock in the stock market. Fannie and Freddie continue to pay dividends to their shareholders. All the profit goes to the shareholders and management. The taxpayers get no compensation or payback for saving all of Fannie and Freddie’s equity and essentially guaranteeing their income. The management of Fannie and Freddie get to keep all their compensation and bonuses. They get to spend as much as they want on more lobbyists and law firms. They and their foundations can continue to hand out money to universities and not-for-profits.

    This all ensures that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can continue to use the federal credit to centralize and control the U.S. mortgage market.


    The housing bill has put forward the most explicit description yet of the true corporate model prevailing in America—congressionally legislated businesses with central-bank-determined stock prices.

    It is a fascinating combination of friendly fascism and multiple personality disorder. Now that the fundamental nature of the Tapeworm corporation is out of the closet and clear, keeping it afloat will require a mind-numbing combination of global force to maintain financial liquidity, plus global propaganda and payola to preserve its brand.


    Thanks to a handful of courageous people and reporters, you can understand why it took 232 years for America to accumulate almost $10 trillion in national debt but only one new bill bailing out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to clean up more housing bubble mess to add another $5 trillion overnight.

    Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie
    How the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history gave birth to the mortgage crisis
    By Wayne Barrett
    Village Voice. published: August 05, 2008

    There are as many starting points for the mortgage meltdown as there are fears about how far it has yet to go, but one decisive point of departure is the final years of the Clinton administration, when a kid from Queens without any real banking or real-estate experience was the only man in Washington with the power to regulate the giants of home finance, the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), better known as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    Financial Bailout: America's Own Kleptocracy
    The largest transformation of America's Financial System since the Great Depression, by Michael Hudson
    Global Research, September 20, 2008

    Overnight, the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve have radically changed the character of American capitalism. It is nothing less than a coup d'Etat for the class that FDR called "banksters." What has happened in the past two weeks threatens to change the coming century - irreversibly, if they can get away with it. This is the largest and most inequitable transfer of wealth since the land giveaways to the railroad barons during the Civil War era.

  4. Crise Financeira
    2008-09-24 16:04 (Diário Económico). Bancos europeus poderão sofrer colapso ainda maior do que o dos seus congéneres nos EUA. As gigantescas dívidas e a falda de dinheiro poderão destruir vários dos maiores bancos europeus, alerta um estudo do Centro para os Estudos de Política Europeia.

    The week that changed everything
    Ann Pettifor in Open Democracy.

    The last week has changed everything. A series of extraordinary events in the United States - from the collapse of Lehman Brothers to the forced sale of Merrill Lynch, from the state takeover of insurance giant AIG to the Federal Reserve's emergency bailout plan - has transformed the crisis in the financial markets into an argument about the very foundations of the model of economic governance that rules the world.

    ... The world may be moving on its axis, but the change has not yet gone nearly far enough: for neo-liberal economists remain at the helm of the global economy, and continue to disseminate potent mis-diagnoses of what is happening. These economists include the world's major central bankers and finance ministers. It is vital that their economics and their three principal delusions are challenged if the global economy is to be steered safely out of this all-consuming storm.

    Another Anglo-American debacle. This time worse than Iraq.
    Ann Pettifor in Debtonation.

    European politicians, with the exception of Spain, declined to party at the Anglo-American-sponsored Credit Bubble saloon. It was Anglo-American financiers cheered on by politicians and regulators, that dined out on a ‘punch-bowl’ of de-regulatory excess. Europeans individuals and households are on the whole, far less indebted than than those in economies that emulated the Anglo-American model. Now that the party is well and truly over, there are pleas for help from Washington.

    Hank Paulson on Sunday signalled the need for a multilateral approach to the crisis, which thanks to a highly integrated, international financial system - threatens to become a global systemic crisis.

    But in one week the world has changed. The same politicians that Donald Rumsfeld mocked as ‘old Europe’ because they opposed the invasion of Iraq, are now refusing to play ball. The New York Times reports today that German Chancellor Mrs Angela Merkel “took the opportunity to criticize the United States and Britain for opposing German efforts to put greater regulation, or at least reviews, of the financial sector on the international agenda last year, when she was chairwoman of the Group of 7 industrialized nations.”

OAM 442 25-09-2008 14:14

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