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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta prosperidade. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sábado, março 07, 2015

O fim da prosperidade

Esqueçam as promessas de crescimento.
Tempo de nos prepararmos para um longo inverno de austeridade.

2009-2010: o fim da financiarização da economia. O que virá depois ninguém sabe ao certo. Mas a prosperidade dos últimos 50 anos acabou. E a longa era de crescimento rápido e inflacionário sustentado por energia e recursos abundantes e baratos, iniciada por volta de 1887, também.

The One Chart You Need to Predict the Future
Charles Hugh Smith, Friday, March 06, 2015

We are witnessing a profound secular sea-change: the failure of expanding debt and leverage to lift the real economy of wages and household income.

[...] something changed around 2009. Expanding debt and leverage no longer boosted wages. For the first time in 30 years, juicing debt and leverage did not push wages higher--rather, wages declined or stagnated, despite trillions of dollars of Fed stimulus, near-zero interest rates and all the other tricks of financialization.

The returns on additional debt and leverage have diminished to near-zero. This is the endgame of financialization: expanding debt and leverage no longer move the needle on wages and household income. Rather, adding more debt is weighing on wages.

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