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segunda-feira, dezembro 01, 2008

Bombaim 2008

Estação CF de Mumbai depois do ataque 26 de Novembro.
Foto original (alterada): REUTERS/Stringer (India).

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"Pakistan is publicly complaining about U.S. air strikes. But the country's new chief of intelligence, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, visited Washington last week for talks with America's top military and spy chiefs, and everyone seemed to come away smiling." (David Ignatieff, A Quiet Deal With Pakistan, Washington Post, November 4, 2008).

Eu estou convencido que o ataque terrorista à antiga cidade de Bombaim (Mumbai, desde 1995) foi, como muitos outros, uma operação especial típica das várias guerras assimétricas actualmente em curso, orquestrada pelos serviços secretos paquistaneses, que não obedecem ao governo recentemente eleito, mas há muito colaboram com os serviços secretos americanos e ingleses. A ser verdade esta minha suposição fundamentada (1), fica revelado até onde pode ir a hipocrisia e o fanatismo de alguns Estados aparentemente acima de toda a suspeita. A grande estratégia ocidental, protagonizada pelos Estados Unidos, Reino Unido e Israel, é muito simples: garantir o domínio das principais fontes de petróleo e gás natural do planeta e impedir que outros ocupem o seu lugar.

Para se atingir este objectivo numa época em que as relações de forças entre os países iniciaram uma clara deslocação tectónica em direcção ao Oriente, é fundamental atingir dois outros desideratos estratégicos: bloquear a Rússia (obrigando-a a decidir-se por um dos seus dois aliados potenciais: a Europa, ou a China) e cercar a China. A desestabilização do Tibete, da Índia, do Paquistão, do Afeganistão , do Irão e do Iraque faz parte deste estratégia de sobrevivência da supremacia Ocidental. E a velha e eficaz maneira de dominar é dividir.

Com o actual Papa e a futura Secretária de Estado de Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, que acaba de ser confirmada no cargo (BBC), vamos ter pela frente um duelo certamente cruento entre a linha dura muçulmana e a linha dura cristã. O perigo de uma fuga em frente na direcção de uma guerra em larga escala contra o Islão, nunca esteve tão perto de acontecer.

Ao longo da história dos povos poderosos mas falidos, sempre foi uma maneira de resolver os problemas.

  1. India's 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?
    Washington is Fostering Political Divisions between India and Pakistan

    by Michel Chossudovsky

    The Timing of the Mumbai Attacks

    The US air strikes on the Tribal Areas resulting in countless civilians deaths have created a wave of anti-US sentiment throughout Pakistan. At the same token, this anti-American sentiment has also served, in the months preceding the Mumbai attacks, to promote a renewed atmosphere of cooperation between India and Pakistan.

    While US-Pakistan relations are at an all time low, there were significant efforts, in recent months, by the Islamabad and Delhi governments to foster bilateral relations.

    Barely a week prior to the attacks, Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari "urged opening the Kashmir issue to public debate in India and Pakistan and letting the people decide the future of IHK."

    He also called for "taking bilateral relations to a new level" as well as forging an economic union between the two countries.
    Divide and Rule

    What interests are served by these attacks?

    Washington is intent on using the Mumbai attacks to:

    1) Foster divisions between Pakistan and India and shunt the process of bilateral cooperation and trade between the two countries;

    2) Promote internal social, ethnic and sectarian divisions in both India and Pakistan;

    3) Justify US military actions inside Pakistan including the killing of civilians in violation of the country's territorial sovereignty;

    4) Provide a justification for extending the US led "war on terrorism" into the Indian sub-continent and South East Asia.

    In 2006, the Pentagon had warned that "another [major 9/11 type terrorist] attack could create both a justification and an opportunity that is lacking today to retaliate against some known targets" (Statement by Pentagon official, leaked to the Washington Post, 23 April 2006). In the current context, the Mumbai attacks are considered "a justification" to go after "known targets" in the tribal areas of North Western Pakistan.

    What has added potency to the latest charges against Islamabad is the Bush administration's own assessment - leaked to the US media - that Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI was linked to the bombing of the Indian Embassy in Kabul some weeks back that killed nearly 60 people including a much-admired Indian diplomat and a respected senior defense official. (Times of India, November 27, 2008)

    Bali 2002 versus Mumbai 2008

    The Mumbai terrorist attacks bear certain similarities to the 2002 Bali attacks. In both cases, Western tourists were targets. The tourist resort of Kuta on the island of Bali, Indonesia, was the object of two separate attacks, which targeted mainly Australian tourists. (Ibid)

    A November 2002 report emanating from Indonesia’s top brass, pointed to the involvement of both the head of Indonesian intelligence General A. M. Hendropriyono as well as the CIA.

    With regard to the Bali 2002 bombings, the statements of two former presidents of Indonesia were casually dismissed in the trial procedures, both of which pointed to complicity of the Indonesian military and police. In 2002, president Megawati Sukarnoputri, accused the US of involvement in the attacks. — in Global Research.

OAM 484 01-12-2008 19:41