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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Mark Zuckerberg. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sábado, fevereiro 01, 2025

O novo populismo estado-unidense

Steve Bannon by Yuki Iwamura/AP

Se ao menos tivéssemos um populista indígena que chegasse aos calcanhares de Steve Bannon, a discussão do colapso inevitável do regime democrático português, capturado pelas elites corruptas e os seus testas de ferro e piratas, seria bem mais produtiva e poderia estimular movimentos sociais afirmativos e transparentes nos seus objetivos. 

Ao contrário da sociedade norte-americana, que nunca esteve tão viva, a portuguesa parece um manicómio cuidado por mortos-vivos. Steve Bannon fala de um novo 'lumpen' social, a que chama os 'deploráveis'. E defende que serão estes deploráveis a restaurar a grandeza americana. Fá-lo-ão através de uma erupção revolucionária de soberania política e nacionalismo económico. Independentemente de estarmos ou não de acordo com a visão de Bannon, a verdade é que em Portugal não há nenhuma verdadeira alternativa ao declínio do regime, que possamos discutir (péssimo augúrio). O que por enquanto temos na comunicação social e nas redes sociais é demasiado mau.

Steve Bannon on ‘Broligarchs’ vs. Populism

The fight for Donald Trump’s ear.

Hosted by Ross Douthat

Jan. 31, 2025

Ross Douthat: On this week’s show, we’re continuing my one-on-one conversations with figures who represent different, potentially clashing worldviews within the new Trump administration. Two weeks ago I talked to venture capitalist Marc Andreessen about the newest faction in Trumpworld, the so-called tech right.

My guest this week, Steve Bannon, represents what I might call Trumpism Classic: the populist and nationalist movement that brought Trump to power in the first place and that aspires to exert significant influence in Trump’s second administration. Indeed, a lot of the wave of executive orders we’ve already seen from this White House on immigration, reshaping federal bureaucracy and more are Bannon’s populist, anti-establishment aspirations.

Bannon is also emerging as one of the most vocal critics from the right of Elon Musk and other members of the tech right. And we’re going to talk a lot about that brewing conflict.

sábado, abril 17, 2021

Democracy vs. Technology

To discuss post-democracy or a 2.0 democracy, we will first have to realize the degree of technological sophistication of today's societies. We cannot compete with AI algorithms, data-mining networks, or DarkNet, using old-fashioned ideological and political tools: manifestos and political parties, parliaments, governments and presidents.

The following shows how deep states connect to dark technology.

The Military Origins of Facebook

By Whitney Webb
Unlimited Hangout
Facebook’s growing role in the ever-expanding surveillance and “pre-crime” apparatus of the national security state demands new scrutiny of the company’s origins and its products as they relate to a former, controversial DARPA-run surveillance program that was essentially analogous to what is currently the world’s largest social network.

Facebook, a Front

Because of the coincidence that Facebook launched the same day that LifeLog was shut down, there has been recent speculation that Zuckerberg began and launched the project with Moskovitz, Saverin, and others through some sort of behind-the-scenes coordination with DARPA or another organ of the national-security state. While there is no direct evidence for this precise claim, the early involvement of Parker and Thiel in the project, particularly given the timing of Thiel’s other activities, reveals that the national-security state was involved in Facebook’s rise. It is debatable whether Facebook was intended from its inception to be a LifeLog analogue or if it happened to be the social media project that fit the bill after its launch. The latter seems more likely, especially considering that Thiel also invested in another early social media platform, Friendster. 

An important point linking Facebook and LifeLog is the subsequent identification of Facebook with LifeLog by the latter’s DARPA architect himself. In 2015, Gage told VICE that “Facebook is the real face of pseudo-LifeLog at this point.” He tellingly added, “We have ended up providing the same kind of detailed personal information to advertisers and data brokers and without arousing the kind of opposition that LifeLog provoked.” 

Users of Facebook and other large social media platforms have so far been content to allow these platforms to sell their private data so long as they publicly operate as private enterprises. The backlash only really emerged when such activities were publicly tied to the US government, and especially the US military, even though Facebook and other tech giants routinely share their users’ data with the national-security state. In practice, there is little difference between the public and private entities.

Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower, notably warned in 2019 that Facebook is just as untrustworthy as US intelligence, stating that “Facebook’s internal purpose, whether they state it publicly or not, is to compile perfect records of private lives to the maximum extent of their capability and then exploit that for their own corporate enrichment. And damn the consequences.”

Snowden also stated in the same interview that “the more Google knows about you, the more Facebook knows about you, the more they are able . . . to create permanent records of private lives, the more influence and power they have over us.” This underscores how both Facebook and intelligence-linked Google have accomplished much of what LifeLog had aimed to do, but on a much larger scale than what DARPA had originally envisioned.

The reality is that most of the large Silicon Valley companies of today have been closely linked to the US national-security state establishment since their inception. Notable examples aside from Facebook and Palantir include Google and Oracle. Today these companies are more openly collaborating with the military-intelligence agencies that guided their development and/or provided early funding, as they are used to provide the data needed to fuel the newly announced war on domestic terror and its accompanying algorithms. 

It is hardly a coincidence that someone like Peter Thiel, who built Palantir with the CIA and helped ensure Facebook’s rise, is also heavily involved in Big Data AI-driven “predictive policing” approaches to surveillance and law enforcement, both through Palantir and through his other investments. TIA, LifeLog, and related government and private programs and institutions launched after 9/11, were always intended to be used against the American public in a war against dissent. This was noted by their critics in 2003-4 and by those who have examined the origins of the “homeland security” pivot in the US and its connection to past CIA “counterterror” programs in Vietnam and Latin America. 

Ultimately, the illusion of Facebook and related companies as being independent of the US national-security state has prevented recognition of the reality of social media platforms and their long-intended, yet covert uses, which we are beginning to see move into the open following the events of January 6. Now, with billions of people conditioned to use Facebook and social media as part of their daily lives, the question becomes: If that illusion were to be irrevocably shattered today, would it make a difference to Facebook’s users? Or has the populace become so conditioned to surrendering their private data in exchange for dopamine-fueled social-validation loops that it no longer matters who ends up holding that data?

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