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Hillary Clinton exhales while testifying before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on October 22, 2015. Photo: JOSHUA ROBERTS/REUTERS/Newsweek (cropped) |
Lembram-se do que disse Putin quando veio a Portugal? Pois foi: uma Europa de Lisboa até Vladivostoque! Por alguma razão o TGV ficou no tinteiro :(
Relentless Russophobia is paired with supreme fear of a Russia-Germany rapprochement – as Bismarck wanted, and as Putin and Merkel recently hinted at. The supreme nightmare for the U.S. is, in fact, a truly Eurasian Beijing-Berlin-Moscow partnership.
The New Silk Roads were launched by Xi Jinping five years ago, in Astana (the Silk Road Economic Belt) and Jakarta (the Maritime Silk Road). It took Washington almost half a decade to come up with a response. And that amounts to an avalanche of sanctions and tariffs. Not good enough.
Were the European peninsula of Asia to fully integrate before mid-century – via high-speed rail, fiber optics, pipelines – into the heart of massive, sprawling Eurasia, it’s game over. No wonder Exceptionalistan elites are starting to get the feeling of a silk rope drawn ever so softly, squeezing their gentle throats.— in Pepe Escobar, “Back in the (Great) Game: The Revenge of Eurasian Land Powers”
Consortiumnews, August 29, 2018
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