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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta eurozona. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, julho 10, 2018

Lead or leave it!

Poderá a próxima crise europeia nascer, outra vez, na Áustria?

Sair e permanecer no euro, ao mesmo tempo? 

Poderão as criptomoedas e outras formas de dinheiro eletrónico conduzir os países mais endividados do sul da Europa, com a Itália à cabeça, a promover em breve um xeque mate aos alemães e seus satélites do norte da Europa?

Um artigo de Joseph Stiglitz que vai dar que falar, e animar as hostes dos que defendem uma alternativa à zona euro tal como é atualmente gerida avança a seguinte ideia: a Itália e os países do sul da Europa, como Grécia, Espanha e Portugal, poderiam lançar moedas virtuais paralelas ao euro, forçando assim uma reestruturação das suas dívidas, e a existência, na prática, de uma moeda euro com duas faces de desigual valor, sem precisarem de tomar a iniciativa de uma saída voluntária da zona euro. Uma ideia explosiva, a juntar ao Brexit!

A parallel currency for Italy is possibleRome can regain control of its monetary policy without breaking the rules of the eurozone. 
POLITICO. By Biagio Bossone, Marco Cattaneo, Massimo Costa And Stefano Sylos Labini | 7/5/18, 10:10 AM CET Updated 7/5/18, 4:18 PM CET 
In Joseph Stiglitz’s recent article for the POLITICO Global Policy Lab (“How to Exit the Eurozone,” June 29, 2018), the Nobel-prize wining economist proposes that Italy issue a parallel currency as a way to retake control of its monetary policy.

How to exit the eurozoneItaly is right to consider leaving the EU’s common currency area. 
POLITICO. By Joseph Stiglitz | 6/26/18, 1:02 PM CET Updated 7/2/18, 7:23 AM CET 
If Germany is unwilling to take the basic steps needed to improve the currency union, it should do the next best thing: Leave the eurozone. As George Soros famously put it, Germany should either lead or leave. With Germany (and possibly other Northern European countries) out of the currency union, the value of the euro would decline, and exports of Italy and other Southern European countries would increase. The major source of misalignment would be gone. At the same time, the increase in Germany’s exchange rate would go a long way to curing one of the most destabilizing aspects of the global economy: Germany’s trade imbalance. 
From an economic perspective, the easiest thing to do would be for Italian entities (governments, corporations and individuals) to simply redenominate debts from euros into new lira. But because of legal complexities within the EU, and because of Italy’s international obligations, it may be preferable to enact a super-Chapter 11 bankruptcy law, providing expeditious recourse to debt restructuring to any entity for whom the new currency presents severe economic problems. Bankruptcy laws remain an area within the purview of each of the nation states of the EU. 
Italy could even choose not to announce that it’s leaving the euro. It could simply issue script (say government bonds) that would have to be accepted as payment for any euro debt obligation. A decrease in the value of these bonds would be tantamount to a devaluation. This would at the same time restore the efficacy of Italy’s monetary policy: Changes in central bank policy would affect the value of the bonds. 
Hue and cry 
Of course, there would be a hue and cry from other members of the eurozone. Introducing a parallel currency, even informally, would almost certainly violate the eurozone’s rules and certainly be against its spirit. But this way, Italy would leave it to the other members of the eurozone to decide to expel it. 
Rome could take the chance that the fractious members of the currency union would never take such strong action, since that would confirm the fraying of the eurozone. Then Italy would have its cake and eat it too. It would remain part of the eurozone but would have accomplished a devaluation. 
Advances in technology over the past three years make creating electronic currency systems all the easier and more effective. Should Italy choose to use one, it wouldn’t even have to face the difficulties of printing new currency. 
Italy could also blunt some of the pain of its departure if it were to coordinate its exit with other countries in a similar position. 
The motley group of countries that now forms the eurozone is far from what economists call an optimal currency area. There is just too much diversity, too many differences, to make it work without better institutional arrangements of the kind that Germany has vetoed. 
A southern eurozone would be far closer to an optimal currency area. And while it would be difficult to arrange a coordinated departure in a short period of time, if Italy successfully manages its way out of the euro, others will almost surely follow.

domingo, fevereiro 08, 2015

Grexit (5)

A saída da Grécia custará à Alemanha mais do que manter a zona euro unida. Capiche?

O atual ministro das finanças grego Yanis Varoufakis afirmou recentemente, em resposta ao ultimato alemão e dos zombies que seguem a senhora Merkel: “I’m finance minister of a bankrupt country”. Portanto, Bundesbank e BCE, escusam de lançar mais lenha para a fogueira da fuga de capitais gregos em direção à Alemanha, Suíça, Luxemburgo, etc. Nesta altura do campeonato é patético ameaçarem os gregos com a tragédia de uma bancarrota. Eles já estão a viver essa tragédia!

A Grexit, ou seja, a suspensão de pagamento por parte do governo grego e a saída da Grécia da zona euro, pode estar a menos de dez dias de distância. Tudo depende da habilidade do negociador-sombra de Varoufakis, Matthieu Pigasse (do Lazard Bank), para convencer os cabeçudos alemães de que quem não tinheiro não tem vícios. De que se querem manter o sonho de uma Europa financeira unida, com a Alemanha no papel de locomotiva, então terão que mostrar mais e melhor savoir faire. Além do mais, a Grécia sem gás natural não morre de frio, ao passo que alemães, austríacos, holandeses, polacos e suecos, entre outros, só se forem todos a correr para o Mediterrâneo. Mas neste caso quem lhes disse que não haverá uma taxa especial aplicável aos cabeçudos do norte e do leste?

Feitas as contas, a manutenção da zona euro poderá custar à Alemanha qualquer coisa como 578 mil milhões de euros, mas um dominó de defaults (Grécia, Portugal, Espanha, Itália...) seguido da cisão da zona euro em duas, custar-lhe-à, cálculos feito pela Carmel Asset Management, provavelmente mais do que 1,3 biliões de euros, metade do PIB alemão, que em 2012, ano a que este estudo se refere, era de €2.666.000.000.000.

Em que ficamos?

Greece Gambles On "Catastrophic Armageddon" For Europe, Warns It "Only Has Weeks Of Cash Left"
Zero Hedge. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/07/2015 20:05 -0500

One of the bigger problems facing the new, upstart Greek government, which has set before itself the lofty goal of overturning 6 years of oppressive European policies and countless generations of Greek cronyism, corruption and tax-evasion is not so much the concern about deposit outflows and bank runs - even though it most certainly will be in the next few days unless the Tsipras government finds some resolution to the dramatic standoff with Merkel and the ECB - but something far more trivial: running out of money.

WSJ reports:

“Greece warned it was on course to run out of money within weeks if it doesn’t gain access to additional funds, effectively daring Germany and its other European creditors to let it fail and stumble out of the euro.”

Greece has made no secret of its precarious financial position, but the minister’s comments suggest the country has even less time than many policy makers thought to resolve its standoff with Europe.

Eurozone officials have asked Greece to come up with a specific funding plan by Wednesday, when finance ministers have called a special meeting to discuss the country’s financial situation.

The country needs €4 billion to €5 billion to tide it over until June, by which time it hopes to negotiate a broader deal with creditors, Mr. Stathakis said, adding that he believes “logic will prevail.” If it doesn’t, he warned, Greece “will be the first country to go bankrupt over €5 billion.”

Alan Greenspan afirma que Grexit é inevitável, e o colapso do euro também!

Destruir o euro e manter os europeus divididos e entretidos nas suas pequenas pocilgas nacionais sempre foi, é e será o objetivo estratégico dos EUA, do Reino Unido e de Israel. Estão a um passo de consegui-lo, cortesia das cabeças quadradas da Alemanha, que assim perderão a sua terceira guerra por um lugar central na Europa. Greenspan prevê não só a saída da Grécia do euro, mas a própria morte da Eurolândia. Cairam na armadilha do cerco à Rússia depois da Queda do Muro. A fatura da cobiça, da estupidez e da teimosia chegou!

Greece: Greenspan predicts exit from euro inevitable
BBC. 8 February 2015 Last updated at 14:33 GMT
The former head of the US central bank, Alan Greenspan, has predicted that Greece will have to leave the eurozone.

He told the BBC he could not see who would be willing to put up more loans to bolster Greece’s struggling economy.

Greece wants to re-negotiate its bailout, but Mr Greenspan said “I don’t think it will be resolved without Greece leaving the eurozone”.


“The problem is that there there is no way that I can conceive of the euro of continuing, unless and until all of the members of eurozone become politically integrated - actually even just fiscally integrated won’t do it.”


Atualização: 8/2(2015 17:56 WET