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sexta-feira, julho 13, 2018

O labrego americano

A América não passa hoje de um reality show

A Rússia está em recessão demográfica e envelhecimento acelerado. Além do mais, sem vender gás à Europa, e sem os investimentos alemães e europeus, estaria frita, na sertã chinesa. Logo, o perigo de uma invasão russa é um papão ressequido sem real valor propagandístico. Quanto à NATO, já não serve para coisa nenhuma! Do que precisamos é de um sistema de defesa estratégica europeu, com tecnologia e armamento europeus. Ou será que não dá para perceber o que alguns americanos há muito querem: destruir a Europa? Não nos esqueçamos que a América se tornou uma potência hegemónica sobretudo à custa das duas guerras mundiais iniciadas na Europa (1914-18, 1939-45). Eram, antes destas duas tragédias europeias (já então postas em marcha para travar a Alemanha...), uns labregos. Voltaram a sê-lo!

Trans-Europe Express – NATO is dead
By Georgi Gotev with Freya Kirk |

NATO held its first summit in its grandiose new buildings this week. This should have suggested a new beginning for the transatlantic alliance. But the impression from the discussions was quite the reverse.

As one reporter suggested, this was a sadomasochistic extravaganza: Donald Trump first horsewhipped his allies, and then had his happy moment, suddenly declaring victory and having made NATO “much stronger”.

Criminals should be treated with more respect than the way Trump treated his colleagues. A source told your correspondent that every time the US president heard messages he didn’t like, he just ignored the speaker and even turned his back on them to speak to his own delegation.

At one point, Emmanuel Macron had to pause his speech for almost a minute, waiting for Trump to finish his private conversation and refocus on the meeting.

Outside the meeting room, to a mixture of general dismay and disbelief, Trump said the “level of spirit” had been “incredible”, declared the summit a big success, and bragged that he had been able to squeeze an additional $33-$40 billion in defence spending from his allies.

This, however, is not true. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said this money had been committed in advance, and the figures were published in a paper two days ahead of the summit.

It was, therefore, a fudge: intended for an audience that is not interested in the details, which is more or less Trump’s electoral base.

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