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Topol M ICBM — uma arma nuclear infernal |
BCE—0, Grécia—1
“About 700 units of military equipment, including launchers are deployed in the positioning areas in the Tver, Ivanovo, Kirov, Irkutsk regions, as well as in Altai Territory and the Mari El republic.” — TASS
Ontem o BCE tentou humilhar a Grécia. Hoje a Rússia forçou o BCE a adiantar 60 mil milhões de euros aos gregos, e de caminho colocou armas nucleares em regime de prontidão em vários pontos do seu território. O casal Merkel-Hollande sai amanhã disparado em direção a Moscovo!
Mais do que uma simples expulsão da Grécia da Eurolândia, o que está em causa é muito maior e muito mais perigoso: trata-se de saber como irá decorrer o braço de ferro entre Moscovo e Washington em volta da magna questão dos corredores do gás natural em direção à Europa.
É hoje evidente que os americanos pretendem isolar a Rússia para tolher a China. E uma das formas de o fazer é atacar as exportações de petróleo e gás natural. Primeiro prepararam um Inferno na Ucrânia, e outro na Síria. Objetivo: cortar ao meio os gasodutos que ligam a Rússia à Europa através do território ucraniano; e depois apoiar o Qatar, a Arába Saudita e Israel a lançarem novos gasodutos em direção à Europa, dificultando ao mesmo tempo a construção do pretendido gasoduto entre a Rússia e a Grécia, com passagem única pela Turquia.
Este garrote, se funcionasse até ao fim, acabaria com Putin e lançaria a Rússia numa nova bancarrota e na agitação social. É este o objetivo da diplomacia levada a cabo pelos emissários de Obama na Arábia Saudita e na Ucrânia—com o apoio óbvio de Israel, que lançou uma ofensiva militar terrorista contra a Palestina. É percebendo esta manobra que se entenderá o aparecimento e ação psicológica global do famoso Estado Islâmico, uma criação, tal como a Al Qaida, dos serviços secretos militares norte-americanos (com a ajuda mais do que provável dos ingleses e dos israelitas).
É possível que Obama tenha um rebuçado para Putin: se deixares cair Bashar al-Assad, essencial à construção dos gasodutos Árabe e Islâmico, deixaremos a Ucrânia em paz e ao teu cuidado.
É neste teatro bélico potencial, a que os dirigentes eurolandeses assistem com ar bovino, que os ortodoxos gregos e os ortodoxos russos se encontram neste momento.
Vladimir Putin, que ameaçou já fechar o fornecimento de gás natural à Europa através da Ucrânia, oferece, porém, uma alternativa: um gasoduto através da Turquia com entrada na União Europeia pela Grécia. Mas se for assim, como poderá a Alemanha deixar cair os ortodoxos gregos?
A Turquia não se oporá, obviamente, à proposta russa.
Rússia avisa EUA que fornecer armas à Ucrânia causará “dano colossal” às relações
Jornal de Notícias
“Nos nossos contactos com representantes da administração norte-americana sempre sublinhámos que as informações sobre a intenção de Washington de entregar a Kiev armas modernas letais nos causam grande preocupação”, disse o porta-voz do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros russo, Alexander Lukashevich.
Merkel, Hollande, Putin to discuss end to Ukraine’s civil war at Moscow talks
RT. Edited time: February 05, 2015 16:26
The French president and the German chancellor are set to visit Moscow on Friday after a trip to Kiev, in order to find a peaceful solution to the escalating violence in Ukraine, the Kremlin has confirmed.
“I can confirm that indeed tomorrow [Friday] Putin, Merkel and Hollande will have talks. The leaders of the three states will discuss what specifically the countries can do to contribute to speedy end of the civil war in the southeast of Ukraine, which has escalated in recent days and resulted in many casualties,” Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
Putin Invites Tsipras To Visit Russia
Zero Hedge. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/05/2015 10:45 -0500
While Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis’ comments that “we will never ask for financial assistance in Moscow,” which notably does not deny acceptance of aid if offered, and Greek Minister of Energy Panagiotis Lafazanis adding that Athens opposes the embargo imposed on Moscow, “we have no disagreement with Russia and the Russian people,” it is perhaps not surprising that, as Vedemosti reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone with the new Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras, congratulated him on taking office, and invited him to Russia.
The situation in Ukraine and other international issues, among them, “the South Stream and Turkish Stream pipeline projects, dominated a telephone call between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras earlier on Thursday, the Kremlin announced.
Putin invited Tsipras to visit Moscow on May 9 when celebrations will take place, commemorating the peoples’ victory over fascism. On his part, the Greek prime minister underlined the importance he attributes to the fight against Nazism, expressing his intention to accept the invitation.
The Russian leader’s top foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov said that Putin congratulated Tsipras on his victory in last month’s general elections and on the assumption of his duties as the new prime minister of Greece.
The discussion was very warm and constructive, he said, noting that President Putin invited Tsipras to Russia. He also said that the will for a more active development of bilateral relations was reaffirmed.
The Russian ministers of foreign affairs and defence have already invited their Greek counterparts to visit Moscow.
Tsipras talks to Putin while US urges Greece to cooperate with its partners, IMF
ekathimerini, Thursday February 5, 2015 (14:55)
The United States has urged Greece to work closely with its European partners and the International Monetary Fund, a senior American official said late on Wednesday.
“We do believe that in the case of Greece it is very important for the Greek government to work cooperatively with its European colleagues, as well as with the IMF. And we have advised it to do so, and we are hopeful that these conversations are now moving to a place with some cooperation and mutual understanding.” noted the official during a conference call regarding US Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Belgium and Germany which begins on Thursday.
The comments followed President Obama’s recent remarks with regard to austerity in Greece, in which he argued that countries could not go on being “squeezed.”
Russia Deploys Nuclear ICBM Launchers On Combat Patrol
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/05/2015 12:56 -0500
Perhaps it is a coincidence that a day before John Kerry’s arrival in Kiev (a visit which “coincided” with a 35% devaluation of the local currency) where among other things the US statesman discussed the possibility of official (as opposed to unofficial) deliveries of US “lethal support” to the civil war torn and now hyperinflation country, that Russia decided to put its nuclear ICBMs on combat patrol missions in various Russian regions. Specifically, according to Tass, “About 700 units of military equipment, including launchers are deployed in the positioning areas in the Tver, Ivanovo, Kirov, Irkutsk regions, as well as in Altai Territory and the Mari El republic.”
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