Haverá alternativa a uma terceira guerra mundial?
Tal como o incêndio do Reischtag e o ataque a Pearl Harbour não passaram de provocações agendadas de uma mesma cronologia belicista, também o
11 de Setembro (agora o seu espectro) e a cruzada contra o
Eixo do Mal e o terrorismo prosseguem como gigantescas manobras provocatórias destinadas a justificar uma terceira guerra mundial pelo controlo de recursos energéticos imprescindíveis ao estilo de vida moderna, inconsciente e hedonista, da chamada
civilização ocidental. Nas duas grandes guerras do século 20, e na que agora se encontra em fase preliminar, o objectivo essencial foi o mesmo: controlar as reservas de petróleo e gás natural -- sem as quais não há energia barata, sem a qual o edifício capitalista global que hoje determina as nossas vidas sucumbirá irremediavelmente. É o que está neste preciso momento a acontecer (1).
Há quem pense que se o Ocidente eliminar 1/3 da população mundial, como resultado de uma guerra global assimétrica, se ganhará tempo suficiente para inventar um sucedâneo da sociedade da abundância, do desperdício e da violência inaudita. Esta simples hipótese, alimentada pelos teóricos do
New American Century, além de se estar a revelar um fracasso monumental, é pura e simplesmente miserável. E inaceitável!
A queda interminável do dólar, o crescimento imparável da tripla dívida americana (dívida pública, dívida orçamental, dívida comercial), o estouro do sistema financeiro americano (2) e inglês (3), e os fortíssimos abalos que não deixarão de atingir as bancas europeia e asiática, lançarão, no decorrer do que sobra de 2007, mas sobretudo ao longo de 2008, a economia americana numa super-recessão (perante a qual a crise de 1929 parecerá uma brincadeira de crianças). Este afundamento da economia americana, por sua vez, empurrará para o tapete as economias inglesa, japonesa, australiana e boa parte das economias intermédias da Ásia, África e América Central e do Sul. A União Europeia será seriamente afectada por este furacão económico-financeiro, com a possível falência de inúmeras instituições financeiras e empresas industriais, especialmente as da fileira imobiliária. Os testes imediatos virão do comportamento de milhões de depositantes europeus relativamente às poupanças entregues ao cuidado de gestores de fundos de investimento e de pensões, nomeadamente na sequência da gravíssima crise de liquidez do
Northern Rock, e do futuro imediato do mercado imobiliário em Espanha e França. A China será igualmente seriamente afectada pela crise americana. Em primeiro lugar, porque ficará atolada de
papel verde sem grande valor, e em segundo, porque o seu principal cliente comercial deixará de estar em condições de comprar como até aqui.
Perante o agravamento esperado da crise de recursos à escala global, sistematicamente ocultada pelos média tradicionais, Cheney e os mentores de Bush II defenderam que a única alternativa passaria pela ocupação militar do Médio Oriente e da zona do Mar Cáspio, nem que para tal fosse necessário lançar uma guerra assimétrica de longa duração contra todas as possíveis ameaças à concretização dos objectivos energéticos em causa. Assim fizeram. Boa parte dos hipócritas dirigentes europeus (dependentes da elite financeira, tecnológica e industrial que a subsidia) alinhou com a iniciativa, quanto mais não fosse para não ser afastada da partilha dos despojos. As divergências face ao seguidismo exigido por Washington protagonizadas por Chirac, Schröder e Zapatero, não deixam, porém, de ser um facto relevante. Há, na realidade, uma importante divisão estratégica sobre o caminho a seguir na gestão da crise do paradigma energético. Para uns, possivelmente, no estado em que estão as coisas, só a cooperação poderá evitar o pior. Para os
American Bull Terrier da política global, ao contrário, quanto mais depressa se atacar o Irão, a Síria, a Rússia e a China, melhor.
Os atoleiros do Iraque e do Afeganistão mostram, porém, que passou o tempo de a América poder controlar os
Global Balkans com uma perna atrás das costas. Nem
Global Domination, nem
Global Leadership. Os Estados Unidos enquanto única super-potência global não passaram, afinal, de uma ejaculação precoce. A sua queda será, no entanto, um terramoto de escala imprevisível. É preciso cerrar os dentes e negociar, negociar, negociar! Nada que se possa confiar ao novo garnizé eleito pelos franceses, claro... (4)
A Portugal, uma recomendação: retirem os amadores e leitores de tele-ponto, quanto antes, do terreno. Teremos que ouvir o Senhor Gordon Brown e os apressados delegados americanos com muita paciência, mas sobretudo não deveremos deixar de escutar os Russos e os Chineses, e conversar amiúde com Alemães, Espanhois (5) e Brasileiros. E quanto a novos aeroportos intercontinentais e comboios de Alta Velocidade, tenham juizo!
1 - Petróleo inorgânico inesgotável, ou a caminho do pico petrolífero global?
19 Setembro 2007, 16:40. Recebi um comentário chamando oportunamente a atenção para o mais recente e controverso texto do conhecido analista William Engdahl sobre a possibilidade de os actuais preços petrolíferos não passarem de uma vasta conspiração das sucessoras das Sete Irmãs, as actuais Super Majors:--ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Total S.A., Chevron Corporation e ConocoPhillips--, para arrecadarem, sem esforço suplementar, uma apreciável fatia da riqueza mundial produzida. Se pensarmos que 80% da poupança mundial vai, como se sabe, para o financiamento do insustentável estilo de vida dos EUA, ficamos com uma ideia clara sobre o que a combinação destas duas realidades significa em termos de pilhagem global de recursos, valor e mais-valias por parte de uma mesma oligarquia económico-financeira. A especulação com os preços do petróleo é um facto, mas que favorece paradoxalmente os principais alvos da actual conspiração estratégica anglo-americana: a Rússia, a China e o Irão. No entanto, para lá da especulação subsiste o facto de caminharmos rapidamente para uma nova era caracterizada, no essencial, pelo fim dos combustíveis baratos. O perigo desta metamorfose do paradigma energético reside na tentação de os Estados Unidos e a União Europeia (liderada pelo Reino Unido, mas a que acaba de juntar-se o novo garnizé francês) alastrarem a actual guerra de ocupação ilegal movida contra o Iraque, o Afeganistão e a Palestina, ao Irão... e à Rússia! Se tal acontecer, não só teremos o petróleo a 300 USD o barril, como uma recessão planetária sem precedentes e a evolução da actual rede de guerras assimétricas (ditas anti-terroristas) para uma verdadeira III Guerra Mundial. Os Rotchilds deste planeta não desejam outra coisa!
Para uma análise comparativa dos argumentos pró e contra a salvação prometida pelo supostamente infindável petróleo abiótico ou abiogénico, leiam-se estes comentários recolhidos a propósito do artigo de Engdahl:
Confessions of an "ex" Peak Oil Believer
By F William Engdahl, September 14, 2007
"The 2003 arrest of Russian Mikhail Khodorkovsky, of Yukos Oil, took place just before he could sell a dominant stake in Yukos to ExxonMobil after a private meeting with Dick Cheney. Had Exxon got the stake they would have control of the world’s largest resource of geologists and engineers trained in the a-biotic techniques of deep drilling.
Since 2003 Russian scientific sharing of their knowledge has markedly lessened. Offers in the early 1990’s to share their knowledge with US and other oil geophysicists were met with cold rejection according to American geophysicists involved.
Why then the high-risk war to control Iraq? For a century US and allied Western oil giants have controlled world oil via control of Saudi Arabia or Kuwait or Nigeria. Today, as many giant fields are declining, the companies see the state-controlled oilfields of Iraq and Iran as the largest remaining base of cheap, easy oil. With the huge demand for oil from China and now India, it becomes a geopolitical imperative for the United States to take direct, military control of those Middle East reserves as fast as possible. Vice President Dick Cheney, came to the job from Halliburton Corp., the world’s largest oil geophysical services company. The only potential threat to that US control of oil just happens to lie inside Russia and with the now-state-controlled Russian energy giants. Hmmmm.
According to Kenney the Russian geophysicists used the theories of the brilliant German scientist Alfred Wegener fully 30 years before the Western geologists “discovered” Wegener in the 1960's. In 1915 Wegener published the seminal text, The Origin of Continents and Oceans, which suggested an original unified landmass or "pangaea" more than 200 million years ago which separated into present Continents by what he called Continental Drift.
Up to the 1960's supposed US scientists such as Dr Frank Press, White House science advisor referred to Wegener as "lunatic." Geologists at the end of the 1960’s were forced to eat their words as Wegener offered the only interpretation that allowed them to discover the vast oil resources of the North Sea. Perhaps in some decades Western geologists will rethink their mythology of fossil origins and realize what the Russians have known since the 1950's. In the meantime Moscow holds a massive energy trump card."
Oil industry 'sleepwalking into crisis'
"Former Shell chairman says that diminishing resources could push price of crude to $150 a barrel
By David Strahan and Andrew Murray-Watson
Published: 17 September 2007
"Lord Oxburgh, the former chairman of Shell, has issued a stark warning that the price of oil could hit $150 per barrel, with oil production peaking within the next 20 years.
He accused the industry of having its head "in the sand" about the depletion of supplies, and warned: "We may be sleepwalking into a problem which is actually going to be very serious and it may be too late to do anything about it by the time we are fully aware."
Engdahl Can't Comprehend Hubbert Oil PEAK by Elaine Meinel Supkis
"Greenspan even admitted we invaded Iraq illegally, seeking oil."
"The Hubbert Oil Peak hit in America in 1972-1974. We were able to easily pump a lot of oil. From then on, we pumped less and less oil. Very simple, no? This Engdahl person can't understand that the easy oil is gone and the oil is now harder and harder to get and more and more expensive to pump and there is overall, less and less each year."
"No way would oil companies spend billions to build ocean platforms that are prey to the angry seas and hurricanes if there was tons of oil just waiting to be pumped...on land! The concept of the Peak Oil business is that the easy oil goes first, then it gets harder and harder and more importantly, the finds are smaller and smaller."
Richard Heinberg on Abiotic Oil
"Perhaps one day there will be general agreement that at least some oil is indeed abiotic. Maybe there are indeed deep methane belts twenty miles below the Earth's surface. But the important question to keep in mind is: What are the practical consequences of this discussion now for the problem of global oil depletion?
"I have not personally inspected the oil wells in Saudi Arabia or even those in Texas. But nearly every credible report that I have seen - whether from the industry or from an independent scientist - describes essentially the same reality: discoveries are declining, and have been since the 1960s. Spare production capacity is practically gone. And the old, super-giant oil fields that the world depends upon for the majority of its production are nearing or past their all-time production peaks. Not even the Russian fields cited by the abiotic theorists as evidence for their views are immune: in June the head of Russia's Federal Energy Agency said that production for 2005 is likely to remain flat or even drop, while other officials in that country have said that growth in Russian production cannot be sustained for more than another few years.
What if oil were in fact virtually inexhaustible - would this be good news? Not in my view. It is my opinion that the discovery of oil was the greatest tragedy (in terms of its long-term consequences) in human history. Finding a limitless supply of oil might forestall nasty price increases and catastrophic withdrawal symptoms, but it would only exacerbate all of the other problems that flow from oil dependency - our use of it to accelerate the extraction of all other resources, the venting of C02 into the atmosphere, and related problems such as loss of biodiversity. Oil depletion is bad news, but it is no worse than that of oil abundance.
Given the ongoing runup in global petroleum prices, the notion of peak oil hardly needs defending these days. We are seeing the phenomenon unfold before our eyes as one nation after another moves from the column of "oil " to that of "oil importers" (Great Britain made the leap this year). At some point in the very near future the remaining nations in column A will simply be unable to supply all of the nations in column B.
In short, the global energy crisis is coming upon us very quickly, so that more time spent debating highly speculative theories can only distract us from exploring, and applying ourselves to, the practical strategies that might preserve more of nature, culture, and human life under the conditions that are rapidly developing.
2 - Collapse of Lenders and Mortgage Guys Accelerating
September 17, 2007. The mortgage and banking mess gets only worse and worse. The repairs are like someone trying to fix a parachute while in free fall, using bubble gum. Won't work. A number of organizations, banks, lending groups and hedge fund hell hounds must give an accounting by the end of this month and several big houses in the US like Lehman brothers must do it this week. Few people expect good news. The rush for the exist may look like depositors in England storming the Northern Rock banks. And Greenspan has decided he is a vulture in a graveyard, bless his dark little heart. Most amusing. in Culture of Life News.
3 - O dominó inglês que poderá seguir-se à falência escondida do Northern Rock.
## Bank of England, Federal Reserve Liquidity Pumping Shows Problem Far Bigger Than Northern Rock
September 18, 2007, 1:25 PM (LPAC)--The Bank of England took emergency measures Sept. 17, injecting into the British banking system a total of 4.4 billion pounds in short-term inter-bank funds, and 2.85 billion pounds in slightly longer term funds, for a total of 7.25 billion pounds ($14.5 billion); the BOE indicated it would make available another 4.4 billion pounds on Sept. 24, if required.
But the bids (requests by banks) made for the 4.4 billion pounds that the BOE injected Sept. 17, were six times larger than the actual amount that the BOE injected. This underlines the severe liquidity shortgage of the British banking system, as banks have been scrambling to acquire funds for several weeks. The interest rate on borrowing on Britain's overnight market was still at 6.5% on Sept. 17, three-quarters of a percentage point above the BOE's official lending rate, as banks tried to borrow funds, but could not get them except at a higher rate.
On Sept. 17, U.S. Treasury Henry Paulson made an emergency stop-over in London to meet Bank of England Governor Mervyn King, and British Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, in which it appears that Paulson told King that due to the liquidity shortage in London, which would affect the whole world's banking system, King must start openly injecting liquidity rather than the more backroom injections that King had made heretofore. Shortly after the meeting, King announced his liquidity injections package. On the same Sept. 17, as what appears to be a coordinated action, the U.S. Federal Reserve injected $16.75 billion into the U.S. banking system, some of which funds could be made available to British bank branches operating in New York.
This BOE and Federal Reserve heavy dose of liquidity pumping solves nothing, but instead stokes a hyperinflationary process far more ravaging than that of 1923 Weimar Germany.
## Day Three of Britain's Panic: Run on Northern "Wreck" Bank Continues
September 18, 2007, 12:54 PM (LPAC)---Despite the fact that the British Government and the Bank of England announced they would guarantee the deposits of the rapidly sinking Northern (on the ) Rock(s) mortgage bank, depositors continue to withdraw their funds in unprecedented amounts—and this is despite the bank's stock having gone up this morning. Already three billion pounds in deposits have been withdrawn since Friday. Other mortgage lenders whose stocks were hit hard on Monday, including Alliance & Leicester banks, recovered some of their losses so far today.
4 - Mr Lavrov said (to Bernard Kouchner) there was no military solution to any modern problem, including Iran's uranium-enrichment programme. BBC News Last Updated: Tuesday, 18 September 2007, 12:21 GMT 13:21 UK.
5 - A Espanha é um dos países mais vulneráveis à actual secagem da liquidez mundial. Se a crise dos "sub-prime", que atinge actualmente as bancas alemã, francesa e inglesa, chegar à Península Ibéria, vai ser o bom e o bonito!
Quanto a Portugal, e ao contrário do que diz o seu ministro das finanças, a provável gripe espanhola provocará inevitavelmente uma pneumonia lusitana.
Dados a reter:
## Dívida externa espanhola dispara: passivos a devolver aos prestamistas em prazos acordados = 145% de PIB (in Cotizalia 18-09-2007)
2003 = 716.455.000.000 euros
2006 = 1.252.480.000 euros
2007 = 1.450 000.000.000 euros
## Evolução das reservas de ouro entre Janeiro e finais de Julho de 2007
2007 (Janeiro) = 6.716 milhões de euros (13,4 milhões de onças troy)
2007 (Julho) = 4.397 milhões de euros (9,1 milhões de onças troy)
## Evolução das reservas de ouro e divisas em valor equivalente (euros)
1992/12 - 72.368.000.000 euros
2001/12 - 38.865.000.000 euros
2006/04 - euros
2007/04 - euros
David Ray Griffin. The New Pearl Harbor, Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, 2004.
David Ray Griffin. The 9/11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortions, 2005.
Donella Meadows et al. Limiths to Growth, The 30-Year Update, 1972, 2004.
Donella Meadows et al. Beyond Limits, 1992.
Francis Fukuyama. O Fim da História e o Último Homem.1992.
Frank Kitson. Low Intensity Operations, 1970's.
James Howard Kunstler The Long Emergency, 2005.
Jared Diamond, Collapse, 2005.
John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt. Network and Netwars, The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, 2001.
Michel Chossudovsky. America's "War on Terrorism", 2005.
Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. Empire, 2000.
Nick Dyer-Witheford. Cyber-Marx, Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High-Technology Capitalism, 1999.
Noam Chomsky. The American Empire Project, Failed States, The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy, 2006.
Webster Griffin Tarpley. 9/11 Synthetic Terror, 2005, 2006.
William Engdahl. A Century of War, 1992, 2004.
Zbigniew Brzezinsky. The Grand Chessboard, 1997.
Zbigniew Brzezinsky. Second Chance, 2007.
OAM #241 01:51, 18 SET 2007 (UTC)