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Insisto: o mundo caminha para uma crise energética sem precedentes. Não há suficiente carvão, petróleo, gás natural, urânio, e rios disponíveis para suportar a procura mundial de energia.
Ou seja, em algum momento, o declínio já visível do consumo mundial de energia per capita dará lugar a um dominó catastrófico de colapsos económicos, demográficos, sociais, políticos e culturais.
Racionalizar esta perspetiva será sempre um exercício psicológico demasiado doloroso. Preferimos, portanto, procrastinar as necessárias decisões difíceis e acreditar no mito das energias renováveis. Esta energia, na realidade, sempre existiu, mas então, quando dependíamos apenas do Sol, do vento, dos rios e da queima de árvores, éramos pobres, vivíamos com muito menos...
Significa isto que devemos abandonar as novas tecnologias de produção de energia, eólica, solar, nuclear?
Não. Na realidade, em regiões inteiras do planeta, onde escasseiam já o carvão, o petróleo e o gás natural, e onde não há mais rios para domesticar, não há mesmo alternativa às chamadas energias renováveis!
Acontece, porém, que este novo paradigma significa o declínio, entre outras, das indústrias pesadas, e portanto uma mudança radical no estilo de vida humana na Terra, sobretudo nas sociedades industriais e pós-industriais desenvolvidas. A dificuldade objetiva, na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, em produzir projéteis de artilharia em quantidade suficiente para derrotar rapidamente Vladimir Putin, veio revelar uma mudança que, na realidade, já ocorrera há algum tempo, mas que só agora começamos lentamente a perceber: a era da abundância industrial morreu.
A guerra de drones contra tanques, aeronaves e infantaria motorizada que prossegue na Ucrânia veio demonstrar, quer as fragilidades materiais do Ocidente (onde o pico do petróleo ocorreu há mais tempo), quer o colapso a curto prazo da vantagem petrolífera temporária da Rússia. As primeiras semanas da nova presidência americana, e a invasão não provocada e criminosa da Ucrânia pela Rússia, mostram à saciedade até que ponto o fim da abundância das energias fósseis está a mergulhar as sociedades humanas numa espiral de violência assustadora. Como a aniquilamento termonuclear mútuo não traz vantagem a ninguém, outras formas de assédio e guerra tenderão a emergir depois de terminada a barbárie que neste momento continua a sacrificar milhares de pessoas diariamente na Ucrânia. Para este fim macabro as grandes potências têm em mente uma única preocupação: capturar e controlar as principais reservas mundiais de petróleo, gás natural, carvão, urânio e metais raros, pois sabem que sem estes recursos as respetivas sociedades cairão rapidamente no abismo. Dilema mais evidente é difícil de vislumbrar...
Não tardaremos a ver o colpaso, por exemplo, do turismo mundial de massas. Seja porque não será em breve tolerável continuar a subsidiar o combustível do transporte aéreo, seja porque o declínio do poder médio de compra nas sociedades ricas se acentuará inexoravelmente no decurso deste século.
Oxalá me engane!
Recomendo, por fim, a leitura de mais um artigo certeiro de GAIL TVERBERG, de que publico alguns excertos.
Without enough oil, people may need to stay closer to home.
The Garden of Eden, mentioned in the Bible's Book of Genesis, seemed to have some of the characteristics of Southeast Asian countries today. If "warm and wet" was a solution in the early days, it may still be a solution in the future.
While Southeast Asia shares most of the world's energy problems, this region seems better positioned to handle the energy shortfalls ahead of many other areas. Southeast Asia's warm, wet climate is helpful, as is its coal supply, particularly in Indonesia. Many people in this part of the world are used to living in cramped quarters — three generations in a large one-room home, for example. Abundant forests provide a renewable source of energy. Religious traditions help provide order. These factors may work together to allow the economies of these countries to continue to some extent, even as much of the rest of the world pushes in the direction of collapse.
While China's rapid growth has been impressive, it is hard to maintain. Southeast Asia's slower growth curve, which is still rising, is easier to maintain. If it starts to fall, it will hopefully be slower.
Coal is an inexpensive heat and electricity source and essential for making steel. The Industrial Revolution around the world started with the use of coal, and coal is still heavily used in manufacturing. While the wealthy countries of the world talk a great deal about carbon dioxide and climate change, the poorer countries—including those in Southeast Asia—continue to use coal to the extent it is available.
Worldwide, China is number one in coal production (93.10 exajoules), according to the 2024 Statistical Review of World Energy. India is in second place, with an output of 16.65 exajoules. Indonesia is close behind in third place, with coal production of 15.73 exajoules. The advantage of Indonesia is that its population (281,000) is much lower than that of India (1.4 billion), so its coal benefit relative to population is much greater than that of India.
Figure 1 shows that Southeast Asia produces little oil. This oil production (blue line) peaked in 2000 and has fallen since then. Countries worldwide share this pattern: oil production starts falling once the easily extracted oil is removed.
Figure 2 shows that once natural gas production (blue line) began to decline, Southeast Asian natural gas consumption (orange line) flattened out and even declined slightly. Natural gas exports also started to fall, beginning more than a decade before the peak in production was reached. Some of the natural gas exports are liquefied natural gas exports under long-term contracts. These cannot easily be cut back because of inadequate output.
Ler artigo completo aqui.
“...planning the use of intermittent electricity from wind or solar should not assume that reasonably priced natural gas will always be available for balancing. One likely area for shortfall will be winter, as well as storing up reserves for winter (the problem affecting Europe now), since winter is when heating needs are the highest and solar resources are the lowest.”
“Could we be hitting natural gas limits already?”, posted on September 25, 2021, by Gail Tverberg
A energia elétrica produzida pelos geradores eólicos e pelos painéis fotovoltaicos é mais cara (muito mais cara) do que a energia produzida a partir do carvão, petróleo e gás natural. Está por demonstrar que seja mais sustentável. Por fim, a sua inevitável intermitência só pode ser atalhada através do recurso às energias fósseis e, em grau praticamente desprezível, aos acumuladores. Ou seja, o pico das energias fósseis resolverá naturalmente as preocupações ambientais de António Guterres e da menina Thunberg, mas não resolverá os problemas da humanidade. Esta terá, em breve, que se preparar para uma muito provável e abrupta redução da espécie. Não por poluir muito, mas por falta de energia barata!
O regresso do nuclear
É possível que os alemães que pensam e decidem... já estejam a trabalhar (há alguns anos) em centrais nucleares mais seguras, robustas e com produção de energia mais barata. A subida dos feijões verdes à área do poder servirá, como no caso do Bloco de Esquerda em Portugal, para queimar ilusões e propaganda desconexa. Quando a fome apertar, o rebanho berrará em uníssono por soluções, em vez de propaganda, orações, hipocrisia e corrupção desenfreada. O Bill Gates já veio anunciar que o regresso ao nuclear é inevitável... Eu também acho... Veremos quem aparece com o coelho tirado da cartola.
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“Between 2007 and 2017, world oil consumption grew at an average annual rate of 1.0 percent.” —in World Oil 2018-2050: World Energy Annual Report (Part 2) by DENNIS COYNE posted on 07/26/2018. Peak Oil Barrel |
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The United States is the world’s largest oil consumer (20%); the European Union is the world’s second largest oil consumer 14%); China is the world’s third largest oil consumer (13%) —in World Oil 2018-2050: World Energy Annual Report (Part 2) by DENNIS COYNE posted on 07/26/2018. Peak Oil Barrel |
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Fotografia: Axel Morin. Detroit. |
Most people assume that oil prices, and for that matter other energy prices, will rise as we reach limits. This isn’t really the way the system works; oil prices can be expected to fall too low, as we reach limits. Thus, we should not be surprised if the OPEC/Russia agreement to limit oil extraction falls apart, and oil prices fall further. This is the way the “end” is reached, not through high prices.
Many people think that the increasing use of tools can save us, because of the possibility of increased productivity.
Using more tools leads to the need for an increasing amount of debt.
“England Governor Mark Carney have warned investors it’s a matter of time before reserves are “stranded” in the ground.” Bloomberg
Gráficos in "The Peak Oil Paradox -Revisited" by Euan Mearns.
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Berlin (AFP/Getty Images) |
Energy limits: Why we see rising wealth disparity and low pricesPosted on July 6, 2016 by Gail Tverberg @ Our Finite World
The Brexit vote may be related to falling energy per capita in the UK. Given that this problem occurs in many countries, it may be increasingly difficult to keep the Eurozone and other similar international organizations together.
The need for debt greatly increases when an economy begins using fossil fuels, because the use of fossil fuels allows a step-up in lifestyle.
Debt needs are low when the cost (really energy cost) of producing energy products is low. Much more debt is needed when the cost of energy extraction is high. The reason more debt is needed is because fossil fuels and other types of energy products tend to leverage human labor, making human labor more productive, as mentioned previously.
As the required price for energy-products rises, it takes ever-more debt to finance a similar amount of energy product, plus the higher cost of homes, cars, factories, and roads using the higher-cost energy. In fact, with higher energy costs, capital goods of all kinds will tend to be more expensive. This is a major reason why the ratio of debt to GDP tends to rise as the cost of producing energy products rises. At this point, in the United States it takes approximately $3 of additional debt to increase GDP by $1 (author’s calculation).
In a dissipative structure, both communication and stored information are important. Stored information, which is very close to technology, becomes very important when food is hard to find or energy is high cost to extract. When energy is low-cost to extract, practically anyone can find and make use of energy, so technology is less important.
Communication in an economy is done in various ways, including through the use of money and debt. Few people understand the extent to which debt can give false signals about future availability of energy flows. Thus, it is possible for an economy to build up to a very large size, with few realizing that this approach to building an economy is very similar to a Ponzi Scheme. It can continue only as long as energy costs are extremely low, or debt is being rapidly added.
The Brexit vote may be related to falling energy per capita in the UK. Given that this problem occurs in many countries, it may be increasingly difficult to keep the Eurozone and other similar international organizations together.
The need for debt greatly increases when an economy begins using fossil fuels, because the use of fossil fuels allows a step-up in lifestyle.
Once a dissipative structure is past its critical point, Roddier says that what is likely to bring it down is an avalanche of bifurcations. In the case of an economy, these might be debt defaults.
If the economy collapses, it will collapse down to a lower sustainable level. Much of the world’s infrastructure was built when oil could be extracted for $20 per barrel. That time is long gone. So, it looks like the world will need to collapse back to a level before fossil fuels–perhaps much before fossil fuels.