Se a União Europeia implodir -- e poderá implodir em menos de um ápice --, as suas várias nações terão que rever sem demora nem hesitação uma série de ideias novas a que se foram habituando docemente sob um regadio de "fundos de coesão comunitária". Estes, aliás, poderão deixar de fluir muito antes de 2013, até já no próximo inverno, se entretanto os vassalos europeus da América insistirem em arrancar um braço à Rússia, encurralar uma vez mais a Alemanha, e transformar a Europa num vinhedo americano (1). A dupla de ladrões e criminosos de guerra (2) que manda nos EUA -- George W. Bush e Dick Cheney -- prepara-se para colocar forças da NATO em território georgiano, radares e mísseis na República Checa e na Polónia (3). Se isso acontecer, não vejo como evitaremos uma guerra imediata no Cáucaso, que logo poderá alastrar à Polónia, República Checa, Ucrânia, ex-Jugoslávia, etc.
Os países falidos do "Ocidente" -- sobretudo os Estados Unidos da América (4) e o Reino Unido -- querem a guerra, como aliás quiseram em 1939 e em 1914. Não têm, julgam eles, nada a perder. E se ganharem, deixarão de pagar o que devem, imaginam. Sucede, porém, neste caso, que os seus maiores credores são... o Japão e a China! Ou seja, não bastará infernizar a Europa e a Rússia. Teriam que ir mais longe. É por isso que nunca terão sucesso na sinistra matança imperial que, uma vez mais, querem impor a milhões de pessoas de todo o planeta.
O ponto da nova guerra é o mesmo das duas grandes guerras que dizimaram dezenas de milhões de pessoas no século 20: controlar e explorar despudoradamente o recurso primário da modernidade: o petróleo (5). Só que desta vez a coisa é bem pior, pois trata-se de uma guerra por um recurso em vias de extinção económica. Por mais voltas que dê, não vejo como vamos sair inteiros deste covil de cascáveis.
Na eventualidade do desastre iminente conduzir a uma guerra na Europa, e portanto ao colapso imediato da União Europeia, haverá que reforçar de imediato algumas definições políticas essenciais à independência e sobrevivência do nosso país:
- A definição de soberania nacional (incluindo a reversão de alguns instrumentos perdidos);
- A definição de autoridade do Estado (incluindo uma revisão constitucional que reforce drasticamente os poderes do Presidente da República);
- A definição de sectores estratégicos da economia (com reversão da posse dos mesmos a favor do interesse comum);
- A definição do poder local (com reforço extraordinário das respectivas competências)
- A definição de serviço público imperativo e prioritário (com a delimitação clara daquilo que só à governação pública democrática compete realizar, libertando para a sociedade civil tudo o que não seja essencial.)
- A Ucrânia, a Polónia, a República Checa, a Geórgia, a Moldávia e o Azerbeijão não passam actualmente de estados fantoche ao serviço da estratégia imperial dos EUA, que tem no Reino Unido e em Israel os seus maiores aliados. As viagens desta semana, de Cheney à Geórgia, e de Condoleezza Rice a Lisboa, inspiram as maiores preocupações aos defensores da paz europeia e mundial. Os Açores não se devem prestar, de novo, para o desencadear de uma guerra, que será criminosa e cujo único fito é permitir a estratégia de domínio mundial, a partir dum controlo sanguinário da Eurásia, por parte do complexo industrial-militar americano e das famílias do petróleo que nele mandam. Leia-se, a propósito dos meandros desta crise, este artigo de Michel Chossudovsky:
The Eurasian Corridor: Pipeline Geopolitics and the New Cold War, by Michel Chossudovsky
Washington's objective is ultimately to weaken and destabilize Russia's pipeline network --including the Friendship Pipeline and the Baltic Pipeline System (BPS)-- and its various corridor links into the Western Europe energy market. -- in Global Research. - Leia-se este depoimento do antigo embaixador britânico no Uzbequistão (extracto):
Hypocrite Miliband And The Myth Of Western Moral Superiority
David Miliband was making great show today of fulminating in Kiev against Russian disregard of international law. Yet simultaneously he is continuing the sorry British record of participation in war crimes and contravention of the UN Convention Against Torture, Article IV of which covers "complicity" in torture. Both of these are serious breaches of international law.
Binyam Mohamed is a British resident who was the victim of illegal rendition and hideous torture in several countries.
Miliband has declined to release further evidence about the case on grounds of national security, arguing that disclosure would harm Britain's intelligence relationship with the US (Guardian).
Mohamed faces a "Trial" by military tribunal in Guantanamo Bay. Judges, defence and prosecution lawyers are all members of the US military. Neither Mohamed not his defence lawyers will be allowed to see much of the evidence against him. This includes evidence of participation in his torture by British security services, and details of where he was being held and interrogated over two years (Uzbekistan? Afghanistan? Poland? Diego Garcia? - Miliband is keeping it secret). By the symmetry of evil, UK evidence is being witheld on grounds it could damage security cooperation with the US, while US evidence is being witheld on the grounds it could damage security cooperation with the UK. This farce is sickening.
It was, of course, the excuse that security cooperation with Saudi Arabia would be damaged that led to the dropping of the prosecution of the vile corrupt executives at BAE. The operations of the security services are, beyond any shade of argument, above the law both sides of the Atlantic.
When I threw over my diplomatic career to expose the hideous UK/CIA complicity with torture in Uzbekistan, I genuinely believed that my personal sacrifice would form part of a movement which would end this abomination being carried out in our names. In fact, the Bush/Blair acolytes have pushed further to the point that poor Binyan Mohamed faces a fate that would have been beyond the pen of Kafka.
Never mind, let's divert the public by pointing at those evil Russians! -- in Craig Murray website. Missile Defense: Washington and Poland just moved the World closer to War, by F. William Engdahl
The signing on August 14 of an agreement between the governments of the United States and Poland to deploy on Polish soil US ‘interceptor missiles’ is the most dangerous move towards nuclear war the world has seen since the 1962 Cuba Missile crisis. Far from a defensive move to protect European NATO states from a Russian nuclear attack, as military strategists have pointed out, the US missiles in Poland pose a total existential threat to the future existence of the Russian nation. The Russian Government has repeatedly warned of this since US plans were first unveiled in early 2007. Now, despite repeated diplomatic attempts by Russia to come to an agreement with Washington, the Bush Administration, in the wake of a humiliating US defeat in Georgia, has pressured the Government of Poland to finally sign the pact. The consequences could be unthinkable for Europe and the planet.
... Any illusions that a Democratic Obama Presidency would mean a rollback of such provocative NATO and US military moves of recent years should be dismissed as dangerous wishful thinking. Obama’s foreign policy team in addition to father Zbigniew Brzezinski, includes Brzezinski’s son, Ian Brzezinski, current US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs. Ian Brzezinski is a devout backer of US missile defense policy, as well as Kosovo independence and NATO expansion into Ukraine and Georgia. -- in Global Research.The Great Consumer Crash of 2009, by James Quinn
August 19, 2008. After examining these charts it is clear to me that the tremendous prosperity that began during the Reagan years of the early 1980’s has been a false prosperity built upon easy credit. Household debt reached $13.8 trillion in 2007, with $10.5 trillion of that mortgage debt. The leading edge of the baby boomers turned 30 years of age in the late 1970’s, just as the usage of debt began to accelerate. Debt took off like a rocket ship after 9/11 with the President urging Americans to spend and Alan Greenspan lowering interest rates to 1%. Only in the bizzaro world of America in the last 7 years, while in the midst of 2 foreign wars, would a President urge his citizens to show their patriotism by buying cars and TVs. When did our priorities become so warped?
(...) We have outsourced our savings to the emerging economies, along with our manufacturing jobs. The Chinese are saving the money we’ve paid them for flat screen TVs and the Middle Eastern countries are saving the money we’ve paid them for oil. You need savings in order to increase investment. The emerging markets are making the vast majority of the investments in the world. While the U.S. endlessly debates drilling and construction of nuclear plants (none built in U.S. since 1987) and oil refineries (none built in U.S. since 1977), China brought four oil refineries online in 2008 and plans to build 30 nuclear reactors in the next twelve years. The Asian Century has begun, but the U.S. has tried to keep up by using debt. It will not work. If anything, this has accelerated the shift of power to Asia.
(...) The pseudo-wealth that has been created in the last seven years has begun to unwind, but will increase in speed in 2009. You only know how you’ve lived your life over the last seven years. Your neighbor who has been getting their house upgraded, sending their kids to private school, driving a BMW, and taking exotic vacations may have been living the high life on debt. As usual, Warren Buffet’s wisdom comes in handy.
Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.
The tide is on its way out, and the naked swimmers are numbered in the millions. Mohamed El-Erian, the number two man at PIMCO, fears a negative feedback loop consuming the country. I believe we have begun the negative feedback loop and it is starting to accelerate.
(...) Consumers have dramatically increased the use of credit cards, now that the housing ATM has run out of cash. The average American household has credit card debt of $9,840 versus $2,966 in 1990, at an average interest rate of 19%. Credit card delinquencies have increased to 4.51% in the 1st quarter. Amex just announced a major unexpected write-off because its prime customers have hit the wall and are defaulting. Consumers used their credit and debit cards to buy $51 billion of fast food in 2006 according to Carddata. According to the Federal Reserve, 40% of American families spend more than they earn.
(...) Government unemployment figures have begun to skyrocket, while the true unadjusted unemployment figures point to a major recession. If the number of people who have given up looking for a job were included, the official 5.7% unemployment rate would jump to 14%. People without jobs can’t spend money or make mortgage payments. With the deep recession that I anticipate, the official figures will reach 7%. This will result in lower consumption. -- Prudent Bear.- Sobre este tema recomendo o extraordinário seminário de Chris Martenson, e ainda o esclarecedor vídeo sobre a perturbação que o crescimento fulgurante e a voracidade energética da China vieram colocar à supremacia egoísta da imperial América. O vídeo foi realizado numa perspectiva ocidental, mas ainda assim, diz tudo!
China vs the US - The Battle For Oil
China's sky-rocketing growth and shortage of sufficient resources is forcing China to set its sights outside its borders in a frantic search for oil, but the major oil-producing countries are kept off-limits by the United States, forcing China to do business with the rogue states, African dictatorships, Iran and former Russian states - to get the oil they desperately need. Featuring field encounters, archival footage, news reports and maps to outline the latest threat in world geopolitics. -- in Critical Docs.- O crescimento e a progressiva autonomia tecnológica da China, bem como a sua actual riqueza em ouro (comprado a quem dele se desfez, nomeadamente para pagar dívidas de Estado), divisas e créditos internacionais, são assustadores do ponto de vista da Europa-América -- claro! Há porém um ponto frágil na actual trajectória ascendente do Império do Meio: a China depende cada vez mais criticamente, tal como dependeram e dependem a Europa e os EUA, do acesso livre ao petróleo e outras matérias primas que não já não dispõe em quantidade suficientes. Como a principal matéria energética do mundo moderno -- o petróleo -- não chega para as encomendas, as grandes potências assemelham-se cada vez mais a uma manada de elefantes dentro de uma loja de antiguidades! Eis dois exemplos chegados ontem e hoje à minha caixa de correio sobre o tipo de acções chinesas que preocupam cada vez mais a Europa e os Estados Unidos:
China desenvolve o combóio mais rápido do mundo, entre Pequim e Xangai
PEQUIM (AFP) - A China pretende desenvolver, com tecnologia própria, o trem mais rápido do mundo, com velocidade máxima de 380 km/h, na linha que será criada entre Pequim e Xangai, noticiou o jornal China Daily. -- in China Daily (versão original).
Iraq approves $3b oil deal with China
BAGHDAD - Iraq on Tuesday cleared a plan to develop an oil field by China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) at a service fee of US$6 a barrel.
Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani said the cabinet had approved the three-billion-dollar deal that will see China's State-owned company developing the Al-Ahdab oil field in the central Shiite province of Wasit. -- in China Daily.
OAM 426 03-09-2008 20:21 (última actualização 15:44)